Thursday, December 22, 2005

World: Bush the Beast


Who’s the most destructive people on earth in this century? Every one will directly point to bin Laden or Zarqawi as the most destructive people. You are wrong and very big wrong … bin Laden with his pale face and limited resource in his hand and all of his counter part have only made a significant attack on the 9/11 to Washington DC and New York, which caused 3,000++ fatality and hundreds of injuries. Before and after this aftermath, the fatalities may not exceeded on hundreds of people.

Forgive me, I did not meant to calculate the victims only by a number. For me, a killing one human life is like killing all the human in the world altogether and a help for one human life is like helping all the human in the world (as stated in one of hadith of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh).

(With no clear calculation or base for this assumption) I assumed that those gentlemen may have made about six thousands fatalities in their campaign around the world for their own reasons. Wow, this is really significant numbers.

How about this President George W. Bush. He stated on his latest speech related to Iraq war, that the victims may exceed around 30 thousands fatality and still growing. The number of arrested suspects during his campaign of “anti-terror” was about 84 thousands suspects and one fifth are still on the jail. His soldiers have been killed or injured in this base-less war, two thousands fatality and thousands injuries --- the records are growing. How about victims in Afghanistan? I cannot imagine the destructive of his decision impacting on hundred thousands people. The basis or reasons to do the war, was so baseless and the threat to the world is growing, after Afghanistan, Iraq and he threatened Iran, Sudan, Libya, North Korea and Syria as the next targets.
Are his eyes so blind, to see kids are suffering from injuries – are his ears so deaf, to hear parents are crying to kids’ wounds – is his heart so cool or he may not be human.

How about this duo George Bush – the casualty records of this son-and-father president may lead them as the most destructive family around the world. What they have used to kill people – just named it: depleted uranium weapon, phosphor or napalm chemical weapon. They have not killed their today’s enemy but beyond by reducing the quality of life of survive people due to uranium or chemical waste. If this is counted in our consideration, this gentlemen shall be taken responsibility for killing more than millions people for their direct and in-direct acts. Remember, when the old Bush declared first war in the gulf and followed by embargo to Iraq, this decade created hundreds thousands Iraqis kids were dying on mal-nutritious due to lack of foods and medicine.

That’s the reasons why I posted those “Bush the Beast”. Who’s the most destructive people on earth? Who’s the most destructive family on earth? Hope you can easily and clearly answer those questions. I believe you do.

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