Sunday, September 17, 2006

[WORLD] Paranoid Country - Going to USA in 2008

[CX881 Upper deck at 87K Seat]
It is about 4hour-flying from Los Angeles when I wake up for a midnight pee

Find a movie to watch while I am awake … The Sentinel - a Michael Douglas's film

A film is about secret agents surrounding the US President and intricate on killing him

While watching the movie, I open up my notebook and write this

I just imagine if Condi or Bush watch this movie as well and their paranoid brain think faster

I think in their mind there is two different hubs and also different processor to analyze the fact

… one processor us AMD Athlon 64bit for paranoid mind and the other just use old abacus to think realistic fact

Airport security is developing further beyond every one's think of

first, nail cutter, small scissors or any sharp object are forbidden to be carried, even, by toddler

second, shoe shall be removed for x ray as the enemy revolutionize their tool to threat people

third, if you are unlucky, TSA guy will search and swipe all your belonging in case there is nitro deposit in there

fourth, now a glass of water, chopstick or any gel forms are banned due to
           the enemy revolutionize further that a bomb can be made from a liquid

What the case when their enemy can revolutionize further that a bomb can be made into a shirt, a tie, an under short

We may go to full body x-ray every boarding to the flight --- what paranoid ridiculous (See in next 2008 boarding)

And after watching this movie, Bush may start think to x-ray all their secret agents

… ridiculous paranoid with stupid solution, at least that what I thought

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