Wednesday, January 31, 2007

[Me] 5 days behind my 40

{Tanjung Barat}
Following is special comment from my boss as Central Coach, Walt in Houston related my movement to other position...

I appreciate your comments and have enjoyed having you on my team. You have made a huge impact in a relatively short time and I thank you for your efforts and contributions to our team and the asset. I have spoken to her and agree with the decision to move you to the Director of Organization Capability (DOC) role. I am confident that you will do an outstanding job and it is an important role. The MOC is the key next step and I believe that your time will be best spent working on that. I will be making future visits to Jakarta and we will have the opportunity to meet and discuss more face to face. Muiz, I will take your call at 9am Houston time when you call.

It's relieving to have support from him as he was welcoming me good when first I joined this global central coach, but now I have to leave this to another role.

Both is global role - I will be road warrior globally in this or the other role.

Thanks, Walt

This is my last posting related my new job.

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