Friday, May 02, 2008

{george "terrorist" bush} gitmo release


a picture of 39 year olds, look like 80's after 6years in Gitmo

another gitmo released after 6years in "tortured" prison, without saying sorry or apologize. another sick behaviour from the true terrorist of all ages, george bush, who responsible of massive killing in various countries as result of bush's wars (90's of bush sr and 2000's of bush jr). you can imagine the most dramatic picture of torture, but you will not imagine what has happened and what will happen to those being captured by american soldiers.

today, sami al-haj is released from the guantanamo bay after spending six years without charge. his fault is that he is muslim, cameraman for the aljazeera and he was in pakistan border.
"my last message to the US administration is that torture will not stop terrorism -- torture is terrorism," said Haj. (Reuters)

eventhough i disagree with his comment when he linked to terrorism, where liberating the soil of islam is not terorrist act, it is liberation, just similar like americans fought for freedom from britain. wtc bombing, bali bombing were/might be individual/organization terrorist act, however what had happened with iraq cities bombing, gaza's isolation or afghanistan's war which have impacted millions lifes. it is not just organization terrorist act but state terrorist act.

we can live in harmony when everybody/country give fairness, respect and right of others. give the land of palestine for palestinian, iraq for iraqi and be fair. christian, jews and islam ever lived in harmony, remember andalus (islamic spain) and it can happen now or any time if we do give fairness, respect and right for each community.

as human being, i cannot imagine being frame for six years for doing nothing wrong. i also feel sorry for their kids, wives and their family, years and years under uncertainity. also all human being that have been victims of this unfair war, in fallujah, gaza, al khalil, kabul and all other cities around the world.

i don't think, bush has human heart but the most evil one. he is (like) dajjal, who said in the beginning of the war of terror campaign: "with us or against us". it is very similar for what dajjal says that the heaven that dajjal promise is actually the hell in the day after and the other way around.

even, in american campaign for anti war, they only count the casualties of their american soldiers and leave other victims unheard. free the rest of gitmo prisoners and other prisoners without fair treatment or fair trial, whereever they are. stop the unjustice war.

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