[IAH C43 Gate]
Again, I heard the Pope Benedict’s news related his statement to insulting the holy prophet Muhammad pbuh after I read the news yesterday. I saw how angry all Muslims around the world including me, angry, hatred and for his comment. Islam has never been, is not ever or will never be spread out with power or sword. Please ask the converted Muslim (mualaf) like Mohammad Ali, Maurice or see the comment of Bernard Shaw or other non Muslims related the holiness of prophet Muhammad pbuh.
In the Holy Quran, it stated that “… it is so clear between the right and the wrong, the Lord has given for every person to think about with his heart and thought and only Islam, the religion that He accepted”. Lord is then emphasized more in this continuous verse that “there is no force for every one to accept Islam”.
For Pope Benedict, I will wait to hear this man said apologize for Muslims world or I just categorized the “highest” Catholics priest as non good follower of the prophet Jesus pbuh. Please read carefully the history of Islam and what the Holy Quran (the Final Testament) said, by understanding and comparing (that what I did to read the Old/New Testament after somebody gave me bible and offered me to get “blessed”) tolerant can be built.
Islam is so pure and simple, that we only believe to Allah, the One and Only Lord – not as so confusing like trinity with human-lord agent or other trinity like in old roman, old Egypt, Hindi, etc. Allah is so the most forgiveness, those to forgive His creatures (whom have chase for being forgiven) with unnecessary to sacrifice any son for this… just pray to Him alone. We love the prophet Muhammad as the same as we love the prophet Jesus, Moses or others.
Islam teaches us to help each others disregard racist or religion as long as work in inter human mutual relationship but not inter faith. Islam clearly draw the line for inter faith tolerance as stated in the Holy Quran "For you, your religion and for me, mine". Jihad itself is the mandatory for every Muslims, from physical jihad, like fighting the infidel which has occupied our land up to the most ultimate jihad, fighting our own desire, like fasting during Ramadan. With some Islam land is occupied, Jihad cannot be resisted as every Muslims around the globe to fight until those infidel quit from Islam land. That why you'll find not only Afghan who will fight again NATO in Afghanistan, but some from Indonesian, Australia, England or other part of the world. Imagine, if there is no jihad spirit, Indonesia may not be independence up to now.
In the Holy Quran, Muslims are analogized as bees, who eat only good food (read: halal) without distorted anything but make it better (see when bees take honey from flowers). They will not hurt any one, but if someone insulted them, they will chase down even their own life may be the cost. But they organize better and care each other. They build a strong community where their nest attached to single point but strong. Every Muslims, old and young, men and women, love the prophet Muhammad pbuh over than their love to them or their son. Insulting of the prophet is the insult to all Muslims, but we will forgive any one who seek for forgiveness. Allah also gives a good analogy for infidel in the Holy Quran, they like a spider which lives alone with nest attached to every location and weak. They eat by hurting or killing other.
After Denmark and Italian case, when posted provocative caricature of the holy prophet Muhammad, now the Pope started with his unwise comment. We will see what happen to him, as we have knew what had happened to the publisher of Denmark’s newspaper… burned to death in incident, and will be burnt forever in hell fire. This unwise pope stated something that unnecessary … I'll respect him if he apologizes for his wrong doing even though the damage, again, has been made.
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