i am just an ordinary indonesian who likes to share a dream to the world. discussion and sharing can be in bahasa Indonesia or english. see my next blog You can easily contact me via MSN (mamuiz@hotmail.com) or Skype (mamuiz)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
[Islam] News in BBC about Kenya's 'Koranic fish'
By Odhiambo Joseph
BBC, Mombasa
The tuna fish with what looks like Arabic writing on its side
Enlarge Image
A fish with markings that resembled a Koranic text has been found by Kenyan officials after vanishing from the fisheries office where it was stored.
The tuna fish, which had provoked intense interest from Muslims, had apparently been stolen by people posing as National Museum officials.
The fish was found at the shop where it had first come to public attention.
The fish was being studied to find out if the Arabic inscription "You are the best provider" was natural or a hoax.
Sceptics say the writing was the work of someone who caught the fish and then threw it back into the sea.
But others say this would be impossible, and local imams are said to have been talking in the mosques about the fish.
The owner of the Takaungu Fish Shop in Mombasa's old town is being questioned by police, who are also seeking another man in connection with the alleged theft.
Close up of the marking on the tuna fish (Picture taken by the BBC's Odhiambo Joseph)
The text is close to the Koranic verse: "Wa anta khair al-raziqin"
The shop-keeper said a man had brought the fish to him for preservation.
Over the weekend, people thronged to the shop after the owner noticed the tuna fish's remarkable markings.
It had been caught by fisherman Said Ali at the end of last week at Vanga, a small fishing port on the Kenyan coast, 50km south of Mombasa.
For safekeeping, the 2.5 kg (five pound) fish was moved to the fisheries department.
After being asked by Muslim leaders in Kenya, Kenya's National Museum had offered to take custody of the fish and preserve it for the country's heritage.
The reported theft followed numerous attempts by locals and Muslim scholars to buy the mysterious fish.
An official at the fisheries department in Mombasa said someone had even offered to pay as much as $150.
Under normal circumstances the fish would fetch not more than $6.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
[My Family] BOYZ ii MEN
Thursday, December 07, 2006
[Indonesia] Spirit Yahudi di Indonesia {menjawab persiapan pemerintah mengubah UU perkawinan}
[Tanjung Barat]
Teriring doa yang tulus untuk saudaraku Teh Ninih, Teh Rini dan Aa Gym beserta keluarga. Semoga Allah menjadikan sebuah keluarga yang Sakinah di dunia dan akhirat. Sesungguhnya setiap celaan adalah berkah dan rizki di akhirat, dan pastinya yang mencela tidak lebih baik daripada yang dicela. Tabah lah, sesungguhnya kaum munafik dan kafirin tidak akan senang seseorang melakukan Islam dan sunnah Rasul dengan baik. Sesungguhnya, cukup bagi kita Allah lah pelindung kita dari makar mereka terhadap Islam. Saya meyakini Islam sebagai ajaran yang benar dengan segala aturannya. Tidak tahukah mereka bahwa Allah sangat membenci terhadap orang yang mengambil sebagian dan menolak sebagian lainnya dari ajaran Allah.
Sore ini, aku membaca berita di Islam Online http://www.islamonline.net dan Eramuslim http://www.eramuslim.com tentang tokoh Yahudi AS yang menolak penggunaan Al-Quran dalam pengambilan sumpah seorang anggota Kongres yang muslim. Terbersit di benak saya, seorang menteri atau presiden yang dengan sigap menyikapi suatu masalah dengan cepat dan keliru … tentang perkawinan kedua saudara kita yang halal dan sah. Tentang penetapan aturan untuk mempersulit poligami, atau Dosen IAIN yang dengan lantang seakan menganulir sunah rasul tentang poligami -- bahwa Al Quran tidak pernah menghalalkan poligami. Saya menyamakan perilaku yang dilakukan di Amerika sejatinya sama dengan yang terjadi di Jakarta --- melawan hak manusia melakukan ajaran agamanya. Ya… spirit yahudi ada diantara kita.
Terbersit, begitulah perilaku manusia yang menetapkan aturan manusia di atas aturan Sang Raja Manusia. Mereka merasa lebih mengetahui fitrah dan hak asasi manusia dari pada Sang Pencipta manusia itu sendiri. Suatu perilaku yang sejak dahulu dilakukan oleh Yahudi, ketika di berikan perintah untuk merawat seekor sapi oleh Nabi Saleh a.s. Yahudi menanyakan dengan detail sebuah perintah yang sudah jelas dan mudah, dan akhirnya perintah itupun dilanggar dengan membunuh sapi tsb. Apakah sebagai seorang menteri bahkan presiden berani membuat aturan yang melawan aturan dari Tuhannya, ataukah seorang dosen sudah merasa pintar sehingga menafsirkan Al Quran tidak pernah menghalalkan poligami (Sedangkan Rasul s.a.w., sang Al Quran hidup --- kata Aisyah r.a., melakukannya dan membiarkan sahabat-sahabat melakukannya).
Seharusnya presiden dan menteri memikirkan lebih keras perzinahan atau segala kemaksiatan di bumi yang menjadi tanggung jawab mereka, dan tidak mengurusi aturan yang sudah ditetapkanNya. Karena kelak dikemudian hari, setiap jiwa akan ditanyakan atas sesuatu yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya.
Teh Ninih, yakinlah bahwa janji Allah adalah pasti dan benar adanya. Surga sebagai balasan seorang istri yang ikhlas karena cinta kepada Allah semata adalah cukup dan sangat cukup. Allah, melalui hadis Rasul s.a.w., juga mengancam seorang suami yang berlaku tidak adil.
Aa Gym, maka bersikap adillah niscaya itu jauh lebih baik di sisi Allah.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
[Indonesia] Another Sick Story [tanggapan atas dua berita besar]
Hari-hari ini beredar dua berita yang menyangkut publik figur berhubungan dengan wanita. Salah satu tokoh dengan segala "kehormatan" dan "kemulyaan"nya sebagai wakil rakyat dan terlebih dari mantan ketua organisasi kepemudaan Islam, tertangkap melakukan perbuatan nista (untuk standar awam dan agama) yang secara sengaja/tidak tersebar luas ke masyarakat. Yang bersangkutan sudah memiliki seorang istri yang sah. Heboh satu lagi adalah seorang ustadz yang mengawini seorang janda beranak tiga sebagai istri kedua. Sengaja saya tidak menyebut nama, karena selayaknya pemberitaan tidak boleh menyebutkan nama kecuali kelak di persidangan untuk pembuktian, karena kita tetap harus menjaga nama baik seseorang bagaimanapun sesungguhnya.
Saya tidak tertarik dengan detail cerita apa dan siapa atau bagaimananya, saya lebih tertarik dengan reaksi atau respon dari masyarakat atau pemimpin kita.
Organisasi kepemudaan yang bekas pimpinannya mengajukan gugatan ke Kepolisian karena dianggap mencoreng nama baik dari organisasi tersebut!!! Suatu hal yang absurd, tapi jauh lebih baik dibanding Dewan yang "terhormat". Bahkan partai tempat dia bernaungpun masih membelanya dan tetap menjadikannya sebagai anggota dewan. Apapun tingkatan yang dia dan sang penyanyi lakukan, masyarakat seharusnya mengutuk. Ataukah masyarakat kita begitu terbiasa dengan kemaksiatan dan itu adalah hal yang biasa, meskipun jangankan berdua di kamar, mendekati perbuatan tsb saja sudah terlarang.
Berita tersebut pun dibumbui sebagai pertarungan politik di partai tersebut, atau polisi menganggap orang yang menyebarkan sebagai pokok permasalahan dan bukan orang yang menjadi "aktor" dan "aktris" kemaksiatan. Yang secara pelan dan pasti mengecilkan kejadian keji tersebut.
Lain halnya ketika berita kedua, tentang seorang ustadz yang mengawini dengan sah seorang janda beranak tiga. Melakukan dengan halal dan sesuai aturan agama dan pemerintah, dengan akad nikah dan ijab kabul disaksikan oleh orang lain. Kebanyakan orang menuntut dan menghujat perbuatan halal tersebut.
Di dalam Islam, poligami adalah diperbolehkan dan saya menyetujui, karena itu adalah hukum Allah yang Maha Tahu fitrah ciptaannya. Lebih detail tentang Islam dan Poligami bisa dilihat di situs ini. Islam menghalalkan poligami setelah zaman sebelumnya poligami dilakukan dengan tanpa batas, nabi-nabi terdahulu (Nabi Sulaiman a.s. memiliki istri lebih dari seratus orang) ataupun siapa saja bisa memiliki istri berratus-ratus (bahkan sampai sekarang seorang raja di Afrika memiliki istri lebih dari seratus orang). Nabi Muhammad s.a.w setelah sekian tahun hidup monogami dan menduda, atas perintah Allah mengawini delapan perempuan mulia dengan beragam fisik mereka (hanya satu yang gadis). Buat umat Islam, poligami diperbolehkan hanya empat dengan syarat yang berat... Adil. Bahkan ancaman untuk suami yang mencintai lebih salah satu istrinya, di akhirat mendapatkan ancaman yang tegas.
Saya yakin poligami sudah sesuai fitrah kita, begitupun juga sang ustadz di atas. Tetapi saya melihat sebagian rakyat kita lebih mengagungkan monogami dengan segala perselingkuhannya dibanding poligami yang halal. Pria yang berpoligami dengan benar adalah contoh pria bertanggung jawab. Dan saat ini saya belum mampu melakukannya.
Dengan cara berpikir dari masyarakat kita, saya melihat akan terbentuk masyarakat yang sakit ... Permisif terhadap aturan-aturan yang bertentangan dengan agama ... pelacuran, perzinahan dsbnya. Tetapi sangat garang dengan aturan Allah yang Maha Tahu. Saya cukupkan ulasan saya dan hanya kepada Allah saya berlindung dari perilaku buruk, saya cukupkan Allah sebagai pelindung saya.
[EZ LESSON] The 90/10 Principle Author : Stephen Covey
Have you read this before? Discover the 90/10 Principle. It will change your life
(at least the way you react to situations). What is this principle?
10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react. What does this mean?
We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. We cannot stop the car from breaking down. The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may cut us off in traffic. We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%.
How? By your reaction. You cannot control a red light., but you can control your reaction. Don't let people fool you; YOU can control how you react.
Let's use an example. You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just what happened. What happens when the next will be determined by how you react.You curse. You harshly scold your daughter for
knocking the cup over.
She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus. Your spouse must leave immediately for work.You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit. After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60 traffic fine away, you arrive at school. Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase. Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.
Why? Because of how you reacted in the morning. Why did you have a bad day?
A) Did the coffee cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did the policeman cause it?
D) Did you cause it?
The answer is " D".
You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day. Here is what could have and should have happened.
Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "It's ok honey, you just need, to be more careful next time". Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day you are having.
Notice the difference? Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both
ended different.
Why? Because of how you REACTED. You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other 90% was determined by your reaction.
Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle. If someone says something negative about you, don't be a sponge. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You don't have to let the negative comment affect you! React properly and it will not ruin your day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc.
How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off) Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try and bump them? WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive? Remember the 90/10 principle, and do not worry about it.
You are told you lost your job. Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job. The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take out your frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse. Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it.
The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle.
The result? Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartache. We all must understand and apply the 90/10 principle.
It CAN change your life!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
[Me] Time to Learn
[Sheraton Bandara]
Spirit that we still need to maintain is spirit to learn something new, as this is our human character. It was rapidly accelerate, when the day we born, when we were a little toddler and start slows down when we are mature. Imagine, how fast we absorbed the knowledge and the skill when we were young, our first step should be our first graduation as we learned from our fault, we absorbed critics and advice, we felt that we needed other hand, and than we decided ... yes it was the time to make a first step.
All reflects a maturity in a small little body, called a baby, we were observing not only for success but fail, we were always thinking positively, can do attitude and finally when we thought we were ready we made a giant little step, we made decission!!! That's what we were.
Later, we think that we know everything. Specially after graduated from major universities with series of tittle, professional degree or appreciation. But finally, we forgot our human character ... is to learn. We should always think that we are still learning in every aspect.
When we stopped learning, we were dying ... at least in our heart. When we learn one thing, we will found tens or hundreds new unknown.
I link all of those with our 6 day-ASSET training, where we simulated to run a small oil and gas company to implement strategy, expect the unexpected situation, including Political and prices. Six of us from AxP company, a virtual company in ASSET world that we operated, run a company with aggresive and expect progressive growth. Finally, our company produced the highest production 512 mboe compared to the other four virtual companies that produced no more than 399 mboe. Eventhough our gearing ratio was ever the highest 90% (or 10% only equity), finally we could maintain 50% with biggest asset value, share price and other financial parameters.
After 15 years in oil and gas industry, this course opened up my mind about the whole business in E&P and not only production related. I still have big question unanswered in my life, bigger than yesterday and even become bigger and bigger tomorrow.
Above, AxP demonstrated "Saman" dance from Dhang Yeng
Below, all trainees and facilitators posing
Friday, December 01, 2006
[Zaki & Noval] Another phase of their life
Friday, November 10 4pm
It was another flexy day for me, means I donot need to go to the office - every another Friday, I can take a flexy day. That day, we had prepared and contacted Dr. Roni, a surgery of RSPI, to conduct circumcision for Zaki (11) and Noval (10). Both were very keen and eager to do this as most of their friends have done this ceremony.
We arrived in the hospital and went to praying room, musholla, to conduct afternoon praying, shalat ashar, and pray before we did this small surgery. Zaki was underwent the surgery first. He cried when the doctor started injecting the third shot around his and I was beside him to hug to make him warm and secure. After this, I handed over him an N-Gage to let him play the game while the doctor and nurse were doing their job.
The same procession was also held to Noval. The same cry, the same happiness afterward.
It was the time when we were ready to leave the hospital. I found Noval started crying in agony. I kept driving back to home, while kept talking to encourage him and let him cried while kept praying. For this night, I slept with Zaki and watched him if he needed any thing.
[My Family] ... The Thirteen Year At Last
Last month, our family celebrated the thirteen year of our wedding anniversary.
As usual, I was aware and will always be the day we married. Again, as usual, I am not romantic guy to celebrate this event. As this will remind me on how old I am and also how old my beatiful wife is.
That morning, I kissed her before leaving home for work... without said anything. On the way back, I got an sms from my sister-in-law: a congratulation and a pray for us.
I was leaving the office about 5pm and arrived at home about maghrib. I saw my kids run to me and said that that day was our anniversary, a day when their parent married. All three were kissed my hand and kissed me - a normal ritual for me when I arrived from work. It must be something had been prepared inside...
We kissed and congratulated for our achievement, navigated this small boat through all sad and happiness, love and hatred ... finally we could and we will keep the boat move toward the end of the day. InsyaAllah...
Inside, yes - there was a small preparation to make small party. We prayed jamaah first and held a small pray. All my kids were busy, brought plates there, moved chair here and put the candles in the cake. While I prepared several shots to freeze this memory digitally.
A picture of happy family ... at least it was for ours.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
[Noval] ... Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang
Telah genap sepuluh tahun engkau terlahir di dunia
Terlahir aku menamakan dirimu dengan suatu doa
Sebuah doa yang selalu tertanam dalam dalam dirimu
Anakku, Nawfal Mohammad Faruq Muiz
Sebuah doa Allah menjadikan engkau
... seorang yang bijaksana (Nawfal)
... seorang umat Mohammad s.a.w
... seorang pembeda atas hak dan yang batil (Faruq)
... seorang yang berakhlak tinggi (Mu'iz)
Sebuah doa untukmu dan sebuah tugas untukku
agar aku mendapati anakku seorang yang bijaksana menjaga yang hak dari yang batil
Tak terasa sepuluh tahun telah berlalu
Sepuluh tahun aku merangkai bagaikan sebuah bangunan
yang kelak akan engkau jaga, rawat dan hiasi dengan akhlak yang baik
Sungguh aku hanya merangkai dan sekedar merangkai
Membangunkanmu dari tidur untuk sahur di fajar yang melelapkan
Membangunkanmu dari lelap di subuh untuk bergegas menemui sang khalik
Menjagamu ketika engkau sakit dan menciummu sebelum dan ketika engkau terlelap dalam tidur
Anakku, yang berhati halus
Aku teringat ketika engkau masih susah makan
Aku panggil untuk duduk dipangkuan ketika kita berbelanja
Aku membisikkan ditelingamu ketika engkau dalam dekapanku
bagaimana sayangku padamu,
tetapi apakah hambar nasi yang papa beli
sehingga engkau susah menyuapnya
Aku mendengar jawabanmu hanya isakan tangis dan dekapan yang kuat darimu
Anakku, pahlawanku
Setiap jiwa pasti memiliki kekuatan dan kehebatan
Begitu juga dirimu
Engkau pernah juara di kelasmu atau menjuarai lomba renang
Tetapi tanpa ketekunan, itu sungguh susah untuk mencapainya
Anakku, hidup bukanlah mukjizat seperti Jin dan Jun
tetapi adalah sebuah perjuangan yang panjang untuk mencari ridha dari Sang Khalik
Anakku, hidup bukanlah sekedar perjuangan seperti Rambo
tetapi adalah juga sebuah doa yang panjang untuk mendapatkan ridha dari Sang Khalik
Anakku, Selamat Ulang Tahun
Semoga Allah mengabulkan doa kita
dan menjadikan engkau seorang yang sukses di dunia dan akhirat
dan menjadikan engkau seorang yang terkenal di bumi dan langit
Sayangku selamanya bersamamu dalam suka dan duka
Link lain:
Ucapan dariku setahun yang lalu
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
[World] Is Prince Charles a Convert to Islam?
In a 1997 Middle East Quarterly article titled "Prince Charles of Arabia," Ronni L. Gordon and David M. Stillman looked at evidence that Britain's Prince Charles might be a secret convert to Islam. They shifted through his public statements (defending Islamic law, praising the status of Muslim women, seeing in Islam a solution for Britain's ailments) and actions (setting up a panel of twelve "wise men" to advise him on Islamic religion and culture), then concluded that, "should Charles persist in his admiration of Islam and defamation of his own culture," his accession to the throne will indeed usher in a "different kind of monarchy."
All this comes to mind on reading an article titled "Charles Breaks Fast with the Faithful in Muscat" in today's Dubai-based Gulf News, which reports on some of Charles' activities during his current five-day visit to Oman:
He toured the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque for almost two hours and "took keen interest in studying various sections at the mosque, including the main prayer hall." As his spokesman put it, "The Prince was particularly keen to come to the mosque today to see the fantastic building and remarkable architecture which Prince was fascinated with. The Prince has a great love for Islamic architecture and I can't think of finer example than this mosque."
He "spent a considerable time at an exhibition of Islamic calligraphy and held meetings with Sheikha Aisha Al Siaby, Head of Public Authority for Craft Industries and Taha Al Kisri, the Head of Omani Society for Fine Arts to discuss various aspects of Islamic art."
He "broke fast with a large congregation of people from different nationalities as he sat with folded legs on the floor in the open. He ate date and drank juice at the call of Iftar."
None of this, of course, is evidence that the Heir to the British Throne has changed religions, but his actions most certainly would be consistent with such a move, and especially the implication that he had kept the Ramadan fast. (November 9, 2003)
Dec. 18, 2004 update: Prince Charles put himself in the middle of an Islamic theological issue that again could suggest his conversion to Islam – for if that is not the case, then on what basis does he opine on the Islamic law requiring that apostates from Islam be executed? Jonathan Petre of London's Daily Telegraph reports on a private summit of Christian and Muslim leaders at Clarence House on this topic sponsored earlier in December by the prince. Apparently, however, he did not get the results he hoped for, with one Christian participant indicating that Charles was "very, very unhappy" about its outcome. That may have been because the Muslims at the meeting resented his public involvement in this topic.
some deeply evil influence has been brought to bear on these impressionable young minds. … Some may think this cause is Islam. It is anything but. It is a perversion of traditional Islam. As I understand it, Islam preaches humanity, tolerance and a sense of community. … these acts have nothing to do with any true faith. … it is vital that everyone resists the temptation to condemn the Muslim community for the actions of such a tiny and evil minority. If we succumb to that temptation, the bombers will have achieved their aim. Likewise, in my view, it is the duty of every true Muslim to condemn these atrocities and root out those among them who preach and practise such hatred and bitterness.
Aug. 2, 2005 update: At the funeral of King Fahd in Riyadh, the Associated Press reports, "Non-Muslims were not allowed at the ceremonies." So far as I can tell, Charles did not attend the ceremonies. (There surely would have been a press uproar if he had.) We can conclude that whatever his inner faith, he is not presenting himself as a Muslim in public.
Sep. 4, 2005 update: Prince Charles revealed in a letter leaked to the Daily Telegraph that he had strained relations with George Carey, then archbishop of Canterbury, over his attitude toward Islam. Particularly contentious was his expressed intent, on becoming king and supreme governor of the Church of England, to ditch the centuries' old defender of the faith title and replace it with defender of faith and defender of the Divine. The letter reveals the archbishop's reaction.
I wish you'd been there for the archbishop! Didn't really appreciate what I was getting at by talking about "the Divine" and felt that I had said far more about Islam than I did about Christianity - and was therefore worried about my development as a Christian.
According to royal aides, Charles did not much respect Lord Carey's views and the feelings were reciprocated.
Oct. 29, 2005 update: "Prince Charles to plead Islam's cause to Bush" reads the Sunday Telegraph headline. The text by Andrew Alderson tells how the prince of Wales
will try to persuade George W Bush and Americans of the merits of Islam this week because he thinks the United States has been too intolerant of the religion since September 11. The Prince, who leaves on Tuesday for an eight-day tour of the US, has voiced private concerns over America's "confrontational" approach to Muslim countries and its failure to appreciate Islam's strengths.
Apparently, he "wants Americans - including Mr Bush - to share his fondness for Islam."
Nov. 2, 2005 update: That Daily Telegraph cited in the previous update made the rounds, perhaps even to the White House. In any case, George W. Bush had a little zinger ready for the good prince in his welcome for him and Camilla at the state dinner:
In the first part of the 20th century, our nations stood together to ensure that fascism did not prevail in Europe. In the second half of the 20th century, we worked tirelessly to defeat the totalitarian ideology of communism. And today we're fighting side by side against an ideology of hatred and intolerance to ensure that the 21st century will be one of liberty and hope.
Charles did not reply to this comment, limiting his response to projects for the underprivileged and fond memories of Winston Churchill.
The prince comes calling (drawing by Roman Gann, National Review, Nov. 21, 2005).
Nov. 3, 2005 update: Ali Sina proposes a reason for Charles' attraction to Islam, suggesting that he may be tired of democracy: "Does he secretly envy the Islamic system of government where the rulers have absolute power and can even impose morality on their subjects?"
Nov. 5, 2005 update: Sharp-tongued Julie Burchill asks in "What's not to like about Islam if you're the Prince of Wales,"
I wonder why Prince Charles seeks to big up powerful, theocratic Islam — which already controls so much land and wealth and yet will kill and kill to gain more — and not vulnerable, pluralistic Israel? Why doesn't he invest as much energy in defence of the persecuted and murdered Christians who suffer for their beliefs under Islamic regimes?
She then answers her own questions, much as Ali Sina does:
Well, I think I know why; because cleaving to Islam is the one way that men who wish to appear liberal and enlightened can promote reactionary ideas. Monarch-worshipping, woman-oppressing, non-democratic — what's there not for Charles to like!
Nov. 13, 2005 update: Charles' efforts to promote Islam does his mother no good in Al-Qaeda's eyes. In a just-reviewed videotape, the organization's number two, Ayman al- Zawahiri, calls Queen Elizabeth II "one of the severest enemies of Islam" and blames her for what he calls Britain's "crusader laws." In addition, he criticizes British Muslims who "work for the pleasure of Elizabeth, the head of the Church of England" and ridicules them for saying (his words, not theirs): "We are British citizens, subject to Britain's crusader laws, and we are proud of our submission . . . to Elizabeth, head of the Church of England."
Jan. 19, 2006 update: As patron of the Festival of Muslim Cultures, which its website describes as a national celebration of "the rich cultural and artistic expressions of the Muslim peoples," Charles will be visiting Sheffield soon. He will tour an exhibition there, "Palace and Mosque: Islamic Treasures of the Middle East," that launches the festival. The prince is said to be keen to see the exhibition. He will also meet school and community groups and watch a performance by a group of Muslim women and girls.
Jan. 26, 2006 update: The Prince of Wales expressed his pleasure today at the progress in the UK of Shar‘i banking products at a conference in London to mark the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Development Bank: "I am certain that with the support of the Islamic Development Bank my charities will be able to increase their efforts to address the challenges we face in Britain's cities and help those younger British Muslims who feel they have little or no stake in society to play a fuller part in the country's affairs by promoting community and entrepreneurial development."
Mar. 21, 2006 update: Charles weighed in on the Muhammad cartoon controversy, telling an audience of more than 800 Islamic scholars at Cairo's Al-Azhar University in what the Times (London) called a "serious, impassioned 30-minute speech" that "The recent ghastly strife and anger over the Danish cartoons shows the danger that comes of our failure to listen and to respect what is precious and sacred to others. In my view, the true mark of a civilised society is the respect it pays to minorities and to strangers."
Mar. 25, 2006 update: As the first Westerner ever to address the Al Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Charles (as was the case in December 2004 – see the update above) chose to give Muslims some advice about modernizing their religion. Note the "we" in the following quote: "I think we need to recover the depth, the subtlety, the generosity of imagination, the respect for wisdom that so marked Islam in its great ages." He also said Jews and Christians should learn from Islamic teachings:
What is so distinctive of the great ages of faith surely was that they understood, as well as sacred texts ... the meaning of God's word for all time and its meaning for this time. … it was Islam's greatness to understand this in its full depth and challenge. This is what you ... can give not only to Islam but by example to all the other children of Abraham.
Oct. 31, 2006 update: There's been a strong reaction to a Kuwait News Agency report that "Prince Charles Tuesday said that the world problems could be resolve by following Islamic teachings, as Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood." But a look at the speech in question, to the Fatima Jinnah Women University in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, finds no such statement. All Charles did was to quote the Koran in a favorable way in the context of a new-agey-style discussion of the Planet Earth:
This planet's survival will depend on you understanding that you can achieve unity through diversity; that you can in fact build on living, timeless traditions that are a part of your unique culture and still be "modern". It will also depend on you realizing that the planetary crisis we face is so profound in its rapidly developing consequences that we simply cannot afford to go on squabbling amongst ourselves while we destroy the world around us at a truly terrifying rate. As it says in the Qu'ran – "Only they pay attention who have hearts; only they believe (or see signs) who have hearts." Have you seen the signs? Will you trust in what your hearts are telling you?
Nov. 6, 2006 update: Umree Khan reports in the Guardian, "Why Muslims love the royals," on the Muslim response to Charles and his family:
In the wake of Prince Charles's visit to Pakistan, now is an apt time to reflect on the strange hold that royals, and he in particular, have over Muslims.
It may sound paradoxical, but it's not surprising that when Labour ministers queue up to tell modest women to take their veils off, there is a special affection for a prince whose public utterances on the subject have been marked by a sort of bumbling Islamophilia.
Charles and Camilla's visit to Pakistan was a really important trip for my mum. She is obsessed with the royal family. Lots of mums are but, really, you have no idea how big the royals are with Bangladeshi women. My friend Koruna will tell me, "You think your mum is obsessed, but I bet she doesn't have a showcase filled with royal-family china like my aunts." Of course she does - we had entire commemorative sets of Diana and Charles plates, eggcups, the works, in our living room. "Yeah," Koruna replies, "but a whole showcase in a mud-shack village in Bangladesh?"
Thousands of households in the subcontinent give pride of place to royal kitsch, and that is as much the case in the volatile Islamic states of Pakistan and Bangladesh as it is in India. A survey of my Asian mates confirms this grim predicament - the royal cult, and in particular the icon that is Diana, is being propped up by Muslim women all over the world
Thursday, November 09, 2006
[My Family] Lebaran At Last
Our family, finally, celebrated Lebaran or Ied Festival on different day. We, five brothers and sister were gathered on Sunday to celebrate Ied Festival at our parent home, eventhough my old est brother and sister celebrated the Festival on next Tuesday. They were fasting when we enjoyed all foods and beverages on that day.
We planned to go somewhere close to Jakarta but had different "feature" or games. I offered to go to desa gumati, a resort close to Bukit Sentul with a lot of feature and fun for kids. My family had to visit three days in a row, first to reserve and book the restaurant, the party with all my brothers and sister and the next day with my family and my parents in law.
All were enjoyed with foods, and various games, atv driving, flying fox riding and air soft war simulation. Pictures with all happy faces are below... Check it out.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
[Me] Tony Hayward & Me
A Picture of Hayward and Me, during his visit to my asset. Tony Hayward is the next sun king of BP after soon Lord Browne's retirement.
About Tony Hayward
BP Global - Investors - Tony Hayward
Tony Hayward
Who will be the next sun king at BP? Independent, The (London ...
[Oki] Al Azhar Family Day
Saturday, September 9, 2006
Al Azhar Kindergarten conducted annual family day at Bogor Botanical Garden. It was very fortunate for me that I re-scheduled my trip to USA from this Friday to next Sunday, so I had a chance to accompany my family attending this event.
We, my family and my mother in law, was attending this event and my family attempted to join all games, except me as I preferred behind the camera.
Zaki, Noval and Oki joinned various game, from transferring beans from plate to plate with chopstick, walk in a pair with wood sandal and drawing contest. Oki and family were posing after they completed the drawing. He won 2nd winner cup for this drawing competition.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
[My Kids] My Wonder Kid with Wounded Head
Those day, he rided his bicycle surrounding our community along with his friends, from sixth grade to kindergarten. He rided on the slope road or down hill riding, as usual he will push his bicycle hard to move it faster and faster. Unfortunately, one of his friend - the sixth grade - stopped at the end of the slope. He could not avoid the collision and his bike break down while he was flying and hit hard the road.
We went to the site after one of his friend came to our house informed on this accident. Pick him and drive him to hospital. Fortunately, there was no fracture nor critical wounded but bruise in his face. He was crying when the doctor cleaned the wound. Later, we treated him with "Gamat Vita Gel", a product from K-Link to help cell regeneration. The wound was healing so fast (no more than two days) and leave no scarface on his cute face.
Oki with his decorated bike before last bike parade on the independence day. The bike was severely damage on his last incident.
After the incident, we bought him a new bike as he was struggle with no bike.
Noval helped him to uncover his new bike. Later, this bike was also damage due to crash with a car, but my kid was unwounded.
Monday, October 23, 2006
[Me] Ketetapan 1 Syawal 1427H
Tahun ini saya mengambil keputusan untuk merayakan Iedul Fitri 1427H berbeda dengan pemerintah, pertama kali perbedaan yang saya lakukan. Berawal dari keputusan Muhammadiyah yang menetapkan Minggu adalah akhir bulan Ramadhan dan akan merayakan 1 Syawal pada hari Senin dengan "hanya" menggunakan hisab, perhitungan ilmu falak... yang tidak berdasarkan dalil di Al Quran (melihat bulan) ataupun hadist. Saya berusaha mencari tahu dari berbagai site dan negara lain.
Saya tidak menggunakan ketetapan mereka sebagai pegangan, yang kebetulan bersamaan dengan keputusan ISNA untuk Amerika Utara (yang juga mengedepankan perhitungan), begitu juga Arab Saudi dan negara Arab (yang senantiasa menyamakan ketetapan tanggal hijriyah dengan Arab Saudi) yang akan merayakannya Senin ini. Arab mengambil keputusan tersebut setelah tidak melihat hilal pada Sabtu kemaren (Ramadhan 29, karena memulai puasa sehari lebih awal dibandingkan Indonesia), dan berdasarkan Al Quran mereka harus menggenapi menjadi 30 hari.
Satu hal yang menjadi pijakan adalah komentar dari Majelis Ulama Lebanon, yang melihat hilal hari Minggu ini dan menetapkan Senin sebagai perayaan Iedul Fitri.
Melihat gambar yang diambil di Ohio pada tanggal Oktober 20 menunjukkan fase terakhir bulan di Ramadhan, berarti berikutnya bulan tidak terlihat dan diperkirakan bulan baru akan terlihat pada hari Minggu ini, dan kebetulan bersamaan dengan perhitungan di http://www.moonsighting.com/ yang mengatakan bahwa bulan baru akan terbit pada 5:15 GMT di daerah Polenisia pada hari Minggu ini.
Ketika Sidang Itsbat menetapkan bahwa Indonesia akan menggenapi bulan Ramadhan menjadi 30 hari (sesuai dengan dalil Al Quran) karena diantara perwakilan ummat tidak ada yang melihat hilal dan menetapkan 1 Syawal adalah Selasa depan, saya mulai ragu dan seharusnya menggenapi menjadi 30 hari. Jika ada perbedaan antara kita (Muhammadiyah dan Pemerintah), jadikan Al Quran dan Al Hadist sebagai pegangan dan dalam hal ini dalil melihat bulan jauh lebih kuat.
Ketika melihat site lain, http://www.muhammadiyah.or.id/, hanya terlihat surat dari pengurus tentang ketetapan 1 Syawal. Sedangkan di site http://www.moonsighting.net/ yang lebih mengedapankan melihat bulan menafikan bulan akan terlihat Minggu petang ini.
Kembali dengan kebingungan, saya coba melihat berita di http://www.detik.com/. Syukur saya mendapati berita dari Abu Bakar Baasyir (MMI) yang mengatakan bahwa ada empat saksi yang melihat hilal dan menetapkan bahwa akan merayakan Shalat Ied Senin ini. Kembali lagi dari dalil Al Quran dan Hadist, kesaksian tersebut telah memenuhi dengan seseorang melihat hilal dan juga kita segera berbuka ketika satu diantara kita melihat bulan. Cukup kesaksian tsb menjadikan saya sekeluarga merayakan lebaran lebih awal. Sedih karena saya kehilangan satu hari di Ramadhan tahun ini yang hanya berumur 29 hari, tetapi begitulah keyakinan saya saat ini.
Semoga Allah menyempurnakan ibadah dan ketetapan kita (yang berbeda ini). Memang seharusnya ada satu ketetapan antar ahli falak (hisab) dan ahli fiqih (rukhyat), karena rakyat Jepang tidak akan melihat hilal sampai Rabu depan.
Allah akan menghargai setiap keputusan (ijtihad) tersebut selama didasari ketakwaan.
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, Mohon Maaf dan Lahir Batin
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
[Me] Ramadhan, ... sebuah harapan
17 malam telah berlalu
semoga amalan yang sedikit ini di terima dan mendapatkan ridhoNya
wahai Gusti Allah
di sisa Ramadhan tahun ini dan sisa umur hamba
berikut dan tambahkan kenikmatan puasa di tahun depan
dengan limpahan berkah dan maghfirahMu
Sucikan diri hamba dengan ampunanMu, Duh Gusti ...
Allah yang Maha Suci dan Maha Luas Ampunan
Sungguh, hamba tak akan mampu menerima murkaMu
walaupun hanya sekejap
Sedangkan tubuh ini, senantiasa berbangga dengan dosa
Duh Gusti, bukakan pintu ampunanMu tuk hamba
makhluk yang senantiasa menzalimi diri dengan dosa dan nista
ampunkan ketika hamba hidup,
sebelum hamba mati
sesudah hamba mati
dan ketika hamba dihisab - diperhitungkan - di pengadilan yang adil
Duh Gusti, bukakan pula pintu ridhaMu
hanya dengan ridhaMu semata, hamba kan dapat mencium bau surga
dan memasuki ke dalam surgaMu
Sungguh, bukan karena amalan ibadah hamba yang tiada sempurna,
wahai Dzat Yang Maha Sempurna
Bahkan, shalatku, puasaku dan semua amalan ibadahku
... tak dapat untuk menebus nikmat iman walau sekejap
... apatah lagi mengharap untuk menebus surga
Duh Gusti Allah, maka ridhaMu dan maghfirahMu lah satu-satunya pengaharapan
kepada siapatah lagi aku mengharapkan ridha kecuali padaMu
kepada siapatah lagi aku mengharapkan ampunan kecuali padaMu
Duh, berikan ridha dan ampunan kepada umat Muhammad
berikan kemenangan sebagaimana Engkau janjikan
bebaskan kami dari siksa dan amarahMu
dan kembalikan kami ke tempat yang Engkau janjikan
Monday, October 09, 2006
[My Family] My Family In Digital Painting
Family Picture
My big family
Oki, before went to school
One day at Tanah Lot
Friday, October 06, 2006
[My Family] 15 Year Anniversary
[Chatter Box - CiTos]
Last month, Management held a service year celebration, and I was one of them - working in the same company (ARCO and BP) for 15 years. Various assignment I have been assigned and happy - sad, good - bad, I have felt during those period.
I "passed" twice re-organizations during last 8 years or I may just worry to step back to find other opportunities outside. Any way, I should find other activities or business for my long term plan as I am approaching 40 next year.
My family, my wife and my three hero sons joined this celebration and I had to give short speech on be half all the anniversary employees.