oki run to me with a hand full of chocolate, "papa, is it okey to buy me one, there is a halal sign and no msg", my five year old boy asking for a snack. no wonder for me, my kids asked me like that as i tried to embed deep in their head that we can only eat halal food and msg can make us stupid as it is a toxic for our brain... and it works.
when we go to hypermart or carrefour to buy goods, they will ready to fill up their basket with candy and snack. i do encourage them to set how much they want to buy and i have set them such boundaries: known brand with halal sign and no msg. eventhough sometime the manufacturers manipulated msg with mono sodium glutamate or mono natrium glutamate. sometimes my kids pointed out on the ingridients that there is no "msg", but i clarified that msg is similar with mono sodium glutamate or mono natrium glutamate, as written in ingredient.
sometimes, i let them to buy one, specially when oki asked something that crossing my boundary. he will keep asking me "please, papa ... just once and i want it so much ... please papa". but now, the kids have better understanding.
while for me and my wife, our boundary is more stringent - we will seek "halal food" from legal MUI and "made in Indonesia" is most preferred goods. I gave up using Mobile-1 and use Fastron of Pertamina, I keep buying Pertamax instead of Shell or Petronas fuel gas. I selectively buy Cadburry to avoid "made in Malaysia", never bought Pantene of Thailand and buy Dove or Clear of Unilever.
Later, I will educate my kids higher after moving class from "halal with no msg" to "legally halal, no msg and made in Indonesia".
Thing that I keep buying regularly is K Link product as some product is made in Indonesia, Malaysia, USA or India.
i am just an ordinary indonesian who likes to share a dream to the world. discussion and sharing can be in bahasa Indonesia or english. see my next blog You can easily contact me via MSN (mamuiz@hotmail.com) or Skype (mamuiz)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
[Me] 5 days behind my 40
{Tanjung Barat}
Following is special comment from my boss as Central Coach, Walt in Houston related my movement to other position...
I appreciate your comments and have enjoyed having you on my team. You have made a huge impact in a relatively short time and I thank you for your efforts and contributions to our team and the asset. I have spoken to her and agree with the decision to move you to the Director of Organization Capability (DOC) role. I am confident that you will do an outstanding job and it is an important role. The MOC is the key next step and I believe that your time will be best spent working on that. I will be making future visits to Jakarta and we will have the opportunity to meet and discuss more face to face. Muiz, I will take your call at 9am Houston time when you call.
It's relieving to have support from him as he was welcoming me good when first I joined this global central coach, but now I have to leave this to another role.
Both is global role - I will be road warrior globally in this or the other role.
Thanks, Walt
This is my last posting related my new job.
Following is special comment from my boss as Central Coach, Walt in Houston related my movement to other position...
I appreciate your comments and have enjoyed having you on my team. You have made a huge impact in a relatively short time and I thank you for your efforts and contributions to our team and the asset. I have spoken to her and agree with the decision to move you to the Director of Organization Capability (DOC) role. I am confident that you will do an outstanding job and it is an important role. The MOC is the key next step and I believe that your time will be best spent working on that. I will be making future visits to Jakarta and we will have the opportunity to meet and discuss more face to face. Muiz, I will take your call at 9am Houston time when you call.
It's relieving to have support from him as he was welcoming me good when first I joined this global central coach, but now I have to leave this to another role.
Both is global role - I will be road warrior globally in this or the other role.
Thanks, Walt
This is my last posting related my new job.
[Me] 5 days behind my 40
January 30, 2007 or 5 days behind my birthday, there was announcement about me for new position after last than a year assignment in Central Coach ... a global role for operation excellence. I have to move to other position as a director in one of directorate in this company. I am sure this is good for my carrier, but the challange or "risk" & "price" are significant if i can perform this.
Eventhough the effective date is March 1st, but the announcement 5 days before my 40 is like special gift for the Lord, Allah the Almighty.
My friend share this to wider group, following is their comment
"Congratulation..!! atas penugasan yang barunya. Wish you all the best. " Ali
"Selamat ya pak Direktur ...", Irawan
"Selamaaaaat ya Bosss! Semoga sukses selalu...!", Jacob
"Congratulation!", Ato - Aberdeen, UK
"Bos direktur selamat ya... jadi nih kita beli perusahaan .....", Herry
"Congratulation for your new roles and believes you will have a Great Success in the future.", Doddy - Papua
"Selamat ya pak Direktur, harus ada pesta perpisahan dan peresmian nih!", Erna
"Kami ucapkan selamat atas promosi tugas baru !
Semoga bisa membawa amanah ini menjadi berkah dan manfaat bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, teman, perusahaan, bangsa dan negara. Amin !", Rudy
"Congratulation for the New Position Thumb Up", Triyanto - Zulu
"Selamat ya atas pengangkatannya sebagai Director...Sesama alumni, bangga juga ketambahan anak Boedoet jadi pejabat di *****....", Eka, USA
"aku juga saluuut sama kamu udah jadi diangkat jadi Director. Hidup Boedoet....... ehhh salah..... Bravo Muiz", Lies, USA
"Selamat atas Jabatan Baru " Semoga semangkin sukses " dan diberikan kemudahan dalam menjalankan tugas barunya, Amin", Sugeng, Lima
"Selamat ... pak Direktur ...", Junizar
"Congratulation, congratulation, congratulation......
Whatta a new position... Pak Direktur ! That's great !", Bayu
"Semoga tugas barumu bisa diemban dengan baik dan mendapat ridloNya. Keberkahan dan kesuksesan semoga selalu tercurah untukmu", Sudar
"CONGRATULATIONS ! Semoga sukses dan berkah. Kapan syukurannya ?", Widayanto
"Congratulation on your new assignment.", Satya
"Selamat Pak Muiz, semoga selalu mendapat kemudahan dari Allah dalam menjalani amanat yang baru", Henky
"Selamat ya atas penugasan diposisi yang baru semoga suksus selalu.", Ronald
"Mas Muiz, Selamat utk posisi barunya. Semoga sukses selalu.", Susi
"Congrats Pak Muiz! Wish you all the best in your new challenging assignment.", Toto
"selamat ya Muiz!!!!! you know you have my support and let me know how can i do that..
take care and good luck", Mona
"Wah, ini mah bukan sembarangan orang lagi.........
Hope you can enjoy the new roles with every success", Sang
"SELAMAT buat Pak Muiz dengan posisi yg baru OOCD", Mang Jo
"Selamat atas tugas baru yang lebih menantang. Sukses selalu !", Djamal
"Selamat buat Muiz.... Kita semua sih nunggu acara selanjutnya ..... he-he-he ....", Joko
"Selamat mas Muiz atas tugas barunya ini, insya Allah amanat, barokah, warrohmah, aamiin.", Kuntadi
"Selamat.........and wish you luck!", Rosihan
"Pak Muiz- Congratulations for your new assignment yaaa...", Donna
"Dear Muiz, Selamat untuk posisi barunya yang saya yakin akan sangat menantang.", Amri - Trinidad Tobago
"Congratulation to your new position.", Richard
"Pak Muiz...selamat atas amanah baru-nya. Semoga sukses selalu. Ameen", Dinant
"Muke.... Selamat yaaa...... Selamat Juga buat keluarga loe dong.... kayaknya Sabtu Tgl 3 Feb ini... kita bisa ditraktir nich...... sekalian ulang tahun loe Mantap & Hebat ! Kita Senang dan bangga loo ! Kayaknya loe juga jadi the Youngest Director yaa.... ", Cepi, Cilegon
"Kang Muiz selamat pak makin sukses, makin gagah, semakin inget dua puluh tahun ternyata sangat singkat......", Eki
"Selamat menjalankan tugas baru semoga sukses selalu….Pak Direktur.", Topan
"Mukeeee,,,,, Salut gw ama elu..", Kucay
"Selamat Pak Director", Gede
Disclaimer: This is for personal record use. Name printed here may not be you eventhough you have the similar name.
January 30, 2007 or 5 days behind my birthday, there was announcement about me for new position after last than a year assignment in Central Coach ... a global role for operation excellence. I have to move to other position as a director in one of directorate in this company. I am sure this is good for my carrier, but the challange or "risk" & "price" are significant if i can perform this.
Eventhough the effective date is March 1st, but the announcement 5 days before my 40 is like special gift for the Lord, Allah the Almighty.
My friend share this to wider group, following is their comment
"Congratulation..!! atas penugasan yang barunya. Wish you all the best. " Ali
"Selamat ya pak Direktur ...", Irawan
"Selamaaaaat ya Bosss! Semoga sukses selalu...!", Jacob
"Congratulation!", Ato - Aberdeen, UK
"Bos direktur selamat ya... jadi nih kita beli perusahaan .....", Herry
"Congratulation for your new roles and believes you will have a Great Success in the future.", Doddy - Papua
"Selamat ya pak Direktur, harus ada pesta perpisahan dan peresmian nih!", Erna
"Kami ucapkan selamat atas promosi tugas baru !
Semoga bisa membawa amanah ini menjadi berkah dan manfaat bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, teman, perusahaan, bangsa dan negara. Amin !", Rudy
"Congratulation for the New Position Thumb Up", Triyanto - Zulu
"Selamat ya atas pengangkatannya sebagai Director...Sesama alumni, bangga juga ketambahan anak Boedoet jadi pejabat di *****....", Eka, USA
"aku juga saluuut sama kamu udah jadi diangkat jadi Director. Hidup Boedoet....... ehhh salah..... Bravo Muiz", Lies, USA
"Selamat atas Jabatan Baru " Semoga semangkin sukses " dan diberikan kemudahan dalam menjalankan tugas barunya, Amin", Sugeng, Lima
"Selamat ... pak Direktur ...", Junizar
"Congratulation, congratulation, congratulation......
Whatta a new position... Pak Direktur ! That's great !", Bayu
"Semoga tugas barumu bisa diemban dengan baik dan mendapat ridloNya. Keberkahan dan kesuksesan semoga selalu tercurah untukmu", Sudar
"CONGRATULATIONS ! Semoga sukses dan berkah. Kapan syukurannya ?", Widayanto
"Congratulation on your new assignment.", Satya
"Selamat Pak Muiz, semoga selalu mendapat kemudahan dari Allah dalam menjalani amanat yang baru", Henky
"Selamat ya atas penugasan diposisi yang baru semoga suksus selalu.", Ronald
"Mas Muiz, Selamat utk posisi barunya. Semoga sukses selalu.", Susi
"Congrats Pak Muiz! Wish you all the best in your new challenging assignment.", Toto
"selamat ya Muiz!!!!! you know you have my support and let me know how can i do that..
take care and good luck", Mona
"Wah, ini mah bukan sembarangan orang lagi.........
Hope you can enjoy the new roles with every success", Sang
"SELAMAT buat Pak Muiz dengan posisi yg baru OOCD", Mang Jo
"Selamat atas tugas baru yang lebih menantang. Sukses selalu !", Djamal
"Selamat buat Muiz.... Kita semua sih nunggu acara selanjutnya ..... he-he-he ....", Joko
"Selamat mas Muiz atas tugas barunya ini, insya Allah amanat, barokah, warrohmah, aamiin.", Kuntadi
"Selamat.........and wish you luck!", Rosihan
"Pak Muiz- Congratulations for your new assignment yaaa...", Donna
"Dear Muiz, Selamat untuk posisi barunya yang saya yakin akan sangat menantang.", Amri - Trinidad Tobago
"Congratulation to your new position.", Richard
"Pak Muiz...selamat atas amanah baru-nya. Semoga sukses selalu. Ameen", Dinant
"Muke.... Selamat yaaa...... Selamat Juga buat keluarga loe dong.... kayaknya Sabtu Tgl 3 Feb ini... kita bisa ditraktir nich...... sekalian ulang tahun loe Mantap & Hebat ! Kita Senang dan bangga loo ! Kayaknya loe juga jadi the Youngest Director yaa.... ", Cepi, Cilegon
"Kang Muiz selamat pak makin sukses, makin gagah, semakin inget dua puluh tahun ternyata sangat singkat......", Eki
"Selamat menjalankan tugas baru semoga sukses selalu….Pak Direktur.", Topan
"Mukeeee,,,,, Salut gw ama elu..", Kucay
"Selamat Pak Director", Gede
Disclaimer: This is for personal record use. Name printed here may not be you eventhough you have the similar name.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Me: New Year and New Assignment

[January 23]
Finally another year has gone with the wind ... I am older than a year ago. Thanks to the Lord for all happiness and sadness, for all things He has given me, He has taken from me and He has left for me.
This year is special for me and always, 2007, 1997, 1987, 1977 and 1967 ... seven is my magic number. Just several days ahead, I will be fourty ... too old to make a sin and too young to die.
Beginning of the year, I have expected to get a new position after one year assignment as Central Coach, working with global community. I shared this news to all my Central Coaches in world wide, as I will not attend the 2007 annual global meeting in Houston for next two weeks. Following is their comment:
Mark, Aberdeen
Thanks for your note, it's been good to work with you briefly at the conferences in Houston.
Good luck in your new role.
Regards, Mark
Thanks for your note, it's been good to work with you briefly at the conferences in Houston.
Good luck in your new role.
Regards, Mark
Jerry, Deputy Manager, GOM DeepWater
Congratulations and best of luck to you Muiz!
Thanks for all your help in the past.
Bill, Baku, AzerbaijanThanks for all your help in the past.
Best of luck Muiz. You've been a great contributor to the Team.
I wish you well.
I wish you well.
John, Houston
I wish you well and hope to see you again someday. I thought you did a powerful job moving things forward in Jakarta. Take care of yourself and if you ever need anything please let me know. Best wishes and good luck.
Your friend, John
I wish you well and hope to see you again someday. I thought you did a powerful job moving things forward in Jakarta. Take care of yourself and if you ever need anything please let me know. Best wishes and good luck.
Your friend, John
Alan, Houston
Congratulations, Muiz! You'll do your usual excellent job, I'm sure
Greg, WhytchFarm, UK
Good luck, and keep in touch.
Maricruz, Houston
Muiz, good luck in your new job!!!!!!!!!!!!! To bad I only met you once.
Paul, Houston
The word is finally out, and the "fight" is finally put to an end. Selamat yah atas penugasan barunya. I know you'll do your best there as you did with the project.
The word is finally out, and the "fight" is finally put to an end. Selamat yah atas penugasan barunya. I know you'll do your best there as you did with the project.
Bob, Regional Manager North Sea
Good luck and don't forget your friends in the Common Process team as you move onwards and upwards!
Good luck and don't forget your friends in the Common Process team as you move onwards and upwards!
Shelly, Alaska
Congratulations Muiz!
I wish you well in your position. I know you will do a great job!
I wish you well in your position. I know you will do a great job!
Alan, Edinburg UK
Great news Muiz !
Sorry I won't see you next week but "one of these days...." You never know.
Sorry I won't see you next week but "one of these days...." You never know.
Thanks for all comments from my friends, I hope I can deliver this new assignment better. What kind of assignment is it? at least it is upward move and also still working with global community.
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